Transitional Age Youth

Many children and our older youth come into care and it is our responsibility at Strengthening VC Families to help support and protect them.

We are now looking for loving homes to support our older girls and boys as they begin their growth to adulthood.  Your help is so important during that time.  The youth are open and ready to learn about how to live and learn more.  Please consider helping! 

Our wonderful Transitional Age Youth (TAY) are between the ages of 16-25 and are our most vulnerable group of youth, as they are preparing to take their first steps into independence.  It is during this time that our youth deserve love, stability, and guidance to help them build confidence and experience growth as emerging adults.

 To speak to a representative, call 805-654-3220

The rewards are many

 During a tough time in a teen’s or young adult’s life, you can be the light that gives them hope.

The Meaningful Impact of Helping Transitional Age Youth

A safe place to call home can provide older youth with stability and teach them valuable skillsets in preparation for a successful future. By taking the first steps to become a resource family, you can make a large difference as they step forward into the rest of their life. Although you are helping these brilliant youth, your family also will grow and enjoy helping a new family member or a brother and sister to stay together. 

If you have love in your heart and a little extra room in your home, we encourage you to give us a call at 805-654-3220 and help make a meaningful impact on the life of older youth in care. 

We look forward to having you onboard!

teen boy image

Transitional Age Youth

Recognizing that 18 was too young for most young adults to be without support, a bill was signed into law in September 2010 giving foster youth the option to remain in foster care and receive services and supports until age 21. The bill is called the California Fostering Connections to Success Act, and is also known as Assembly Bill 12 (AB12). Beginning January 1, 2012, young adults are allowed to remain in Extended Foster Care after they turn 18.

Turning 18 means new choices and opportunities! Participants can receive help with their education and employment goals, as well as have time to develop lasting relationships with caring adults.


What's Next?

What You Need to Know

  • The program is voluntary; it is up to you. You decide if you want to stay in foster care.
  • You can change your mind. Should you decide to leave foster care, you can return, provided you meet the requirements.
  • You have responsibilities too. You will need to meet with your social worker or probation officer, go to court, and continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

What You Need to Do

You are eligible for this program if you are doing at least one of the following:
  • Completing high school or an equivalent program
  • Enrolling at least half-time in college, community college, or a vocational educational program
  • Employed at least 80 hours a month
  • Participating in a program / activity designed to remove barriers to employment
  • Unable to do any of the above because of a medical condition

Where You Can Live

You must live in one of the following places to be eligible for this program:
  • Home of a relative, non-related extended family member, or legal guardian
  • Licensed or approved foster home, Foster Family Agency (FFA) certified home
  • Supervised Independent Living Placement
  • THP+NMD Housing

Independent Living Program

Strengthening VC Families staff provides Independent Living Services to foster and emancipated youth between the ages of 16 and 21. Local businesses have partnered with us to offer additional resources to our local youth during COVID-19. Please click here to fill out the form so we can provide you with more information on these resources.

In 1986, the federal government launched the Independent Living Program (ILP) to enable state child welfare agencies to meet the needs of youth transitioning from the foster care or juvenile justice system to independent living.

The Ventura County Human Services Agency’s Children & Family Services staff provides Independent Living Services to foster and emancipated youth between the ages of 16 and 21.

"The goal of the Independent Living Program is to help foster youth reach their personal and professional goals during their transition to self-sufficiency."

independent living program for foster and emancipated youth between the ages of 16 and 21

More Information

This website provides information and resources for current, former, and prospective ILP youth, child welfare workers, probation officers, foster parents and other caregivers, advocates, and supporters of youth in foster care or on probation:

Your Responsibilities

To be part of this program, you will need to:
  • Meet with your social worker or probation officer each month
  • Attend a court hearing or administrative review every 6 months
  • Sign an agreement
  • Agree to work with your social worker or probation officer to meet the goals of your Transitional Independent Living Case Plan and receive case management services

Learn More

Videos about Extended Foster Care can be viewed on the After18 YouTube channel.

Johnny Goes to the Navy Ball

Consider this an invitation from us to open your home to YOUTH AND TEENS who need to find their way. With compassion and understanding, we can make a difference in their lives. 

At Strengthening VC Families, we need compassionate help and homes for our youth and teens transitioning out of care.  These youth are starting to make their own decisions about who they want to be, what they want their lives to be, and how to move into adulthood successfully. It’s so important for them to have the love of a family or mentor who understands—someone who can listen and guide them through becoming an adult. We believe that your family may be just the place for that kind of support! 

All families that can open their homes to help youth and teens, especially those that self-identify as LGBTQ, are essential now. Could you consider helping youth and teens with finding their own identities, their joy, and their hearts?

The story of Johnny going to the Navy Ball is so inspiring to out-of-home care youth who are struggling to find their way. Besides serving as a good example, Johnny inspires these youth every step of the way while helping them find their path.