Frequently Asked Questions
Generally how long is the process of becoming a resource family with this agency?
Typically, the process takes between 2-3 months time.
What are your annual continuing education requirements?
8 hours
What support services do you provide for resource families?
- A monthly stipend
- A mentor
- 12 hours of free respite care/ month
- Retention Community Services Coordinator who will support and advocate for Resource Families
- Ongoing education and networking opportunities
- Participation in Children Family Team meetings
address the needs of the child in your care. - Access to Public Health Nurses, RX for Kids, and mental health services
When could I realistically expect to have a child placed in my home?
- You may be called by our Placement team within 24 hours of being licensed.
When will I be able to start taking pre-service training?
- You can begin today by watching the online orientation video. We offer pre-service classes each month
Do both spouses have to complete training?
- Only one adult is required to be approved, however it is highly recommended that both are approved.
Do you provide childcare during training?
- Childcare is available during Pre-Service Trainings. Pre-Registration is required for all classes and child care. For training registration contact Kids & Families Together at 805-643-1446.For childcare registration, contact Channel Islands Social Services at 805-384-0983, with at least 48 hours notice. *Childcare is not offered for Orientations.
Do you provide respite?
- Yes, we provide 12 hours per month of free respite care.
Do I need to own my own home?
- You may own or rent.
Do I have to be married?
- No, you may be single, married or with a partner.
Do I have to be employed?
- You need to provide evidence that you have adequate financial means to provide for the child in your care.
What if I’m interested in adoption?
- Under the Resource Family approval process, all families are eligible to adopt. Resource families may become forever families for the children in their care or children whose parental rights have been terminated. For more information, visit
Do you approve homes in my geographic region?
- Ventura County only
What costs are associated with becoming a Resource Family within your agency?
- Families are responsible for ensuring children have adequate sleeping and living provisions and that their homes comply with state regulations.
- TB Test
- DMV record check
What types of medical support do children and teens get?
- They receive health care, including dental and vision, and behavioral health through Ventura County’s Medi-Cal program, Gold Coast.
Do you consider people who have a criminal history (DWI, felony, etc.)?
- Yes. However, they must clear the background check process.
What measures are required if I have a pool or body of water on my property?
- A fence must surround a pool for a child under the age of 10 or for children identified with special needs.

Common Myths
Myth: I can’t foster if I have a full-time job outside of the home.
Reality: You do not have to be a stay-at-home parent to foster! If the foster child requires daycare, however, you may be responsible for covering that expense.
Myth: I have no control over which children I’m asked to foster.
Reality: All homes are approved for ages 0 – 18. We take your preferences into consideration, your RFA SW will guide and work with you.
Myth: Each foster child has to have a room of their own.
Reality: Each child needs a bed of their own, not a room of their own. In addition, children of the opposite sex may share a room if they are under an age specified by the State (usually around 6 years old).
Myth: I'm not allowed to adopt children I foster.
Reality: Reunification is our first priority, if this is not possible, the child’s SW will discuss other options for permanency.
Myth: As a foster parent, I will receive little to no support from the State.
Reality: Resource families receive a monthly stipend to assist with expenses related to the care of the child.
Medical and dental services are covered through the child’s MediCal.
Myth: Ethnic backgrounds of most children and teens are:
Reality: Our children represent the beauty of all ethnic backgrounds and cultures or our county.
Myth: Fostering a child who's been removed from the care of their birth parents is dangerous.
Reality: Reunification is our first priority if it is safe to do so.
Our state is a leader in the Quality Parenting Initiative. QPI is an approach to strengthening foster care by refocusing on excellent parenting for all children in out of home care.
We ask that Resource families collaborate with bio. families in the best interest of the child, when it is safe to do so.
We ask that Resource families be an active participant in the reunification plan and services.
Children in foster care are typical children who, through no fault of their own, had to be removed from their families due to abusive or neglectful situations.