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Simi Valley family fostering their own way to care

A young Simi Valley couple with three children under the age of six years old opens their home, and hearts, to fostering a newborn baby girl. Through a special bond built on love and support, the family has welcomed both the baby girl and her biological mom into their lives.

Read their inspirational story in the VC Star column by Colleen Cason, “Family fostering own way to care”, published August 6, 2017 and meet them at the upcoming Foster Care Summit, Saturday, August 12 from 8:30am to 12:30pm.  

Hosted by Child Hope Services and Foster VC Kids, the free Foster Care Summit is an opportunity for community members to learn about the many ways to support children and youth in care — either by becoming a resource, foster or adoptive family, or by supporting those who do.  The Foster Care Summit is designed to encourage and equip individuals who have a heart for foster care and adoption. For information and to register visit www.fostercaresummit.org

Foster Care Summit
When: Saturday August 12, 8:30am – 12:30pm
Where: Reality Ventura Church, 1954 Goodyear Avenue
Hosted by: Child Hope Services and Foster VC Kids, a program of Ventura County’s Children and Family Services
Information and to register: www.fostercaresummit.org

 [gdlr_button href=”http://www.childhopeservices.org/2017-foster-care-summit/” target=”_self” size=”large” background=”#7f184c” color=”#ffffff”]Click HERE to Register[/gdlr_button]