There are so many ways businesses and community leaders can help children and their Resource families. Become a proud Businesses with Heart Partner, offer a discount to youth and families, mentor an older youth or join us in one of the many other ways to give back!
Inspire, Support & Believe in our community!
Message to Businesses:
Decide on your level of support and our team will work with your Businesses to promote your involvement! Become a Businesses with Heart partner and support children in need by:
- Offering a discount on your product or service
- Mentoring an older youth in business
- Donating to community parents
As a BWH Partner you receive...
- Your business featured on the Businesses with Heart webpage.
- Inclusion of your business in Businesses with Heart newsletters and program notices.
- Inclusion of your business in our social media posts, press outreach and recruitment events.
- The reward of supporting some of our county’s most vulnerable youth and the families that care for them.
Benefits to Community
- More money being directed to local businesses.
- Helps ease the financial burden on Resource families, who come from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds.
- Increasing awareness of youth in care in Ventura County and assisting in finding more Homes with Heart!
Levels of Support
- Show your support for resource families and kids while driving traffic to your business: Businesses with Heart receive a specialized decal to showcase their support for the program. Resource families will know that when they shop at your business they receive a discount by showing their Homes With Heart card.
- Boost Your Brand Engagement: The Homes with Heart Facebook page reaches over 10,000 people each week! When you become a Businesses with Heart partner, Homes with Heart works with you to cross promote your brand on Facebook. Share Homes With Heart Facebook content or post pictures of your employees and customers supporting Homes with Heart. In return, Homes with Heart will share your posts and tag your business to reach our network of fans. Your business will also be featured on our Business Partner Page and website.
- Build Goodwill in the Community: Homes with Heart will supply informational materials for you to display at your business location. You’ll be helping Homes with Heart raise awareness of the need for more youth in care supporters while building goodwill in the community.
- Inspire Success: Take a youth in care under your wing and show them a day in the life of someone in your industry. Help inspire youth on a career path and guide them toward the education or training they need to succeed.
- Ensure a Future: Work with Homes with Heart to offer an internship to a transitional aged youth in care. Provide meaningful hands-on experience in a career they’re interested in and help them build skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives.
Give Back
- Raise Hope: Homes with Heart can work with you to connect your business to one of our many non-profit partners, allowing you to support our local youth in care by hosting fundraisers, providing school supplies, serving as a collection point for donated items, and much more. If you would like to make a financial contribution to support children in care, please visit our Circle of Support to learn more about the wonderful non-profits who help support our children and youth in care.

What BWH Partners Think
Many businesses don't know how to help
"The advantage with BWH is that their team took our product and said 'here’s how we can utilize it.' That’s really important because many businesses don’t know how they can take their product or services and use that to help their community. They’re not going to ask you to write a check... They’re going to ask about yout special unique talents and they’re going to marry it with their programs to benefit the children that they are helping to create a future for."

PizzaMan Dan's
Dan Collier
This is one of the most important things we can do
"It’s important to get involved because this is one of the most important things we can do. The kids are our future and when you do something like that, when you really put yourself out there, something comes through and part of it is just like cooking with the right ingredients, putting that tender love and care into your work, It’s getting involved in the community that always comes back."

805 Bar and Grilled Cheese, Copa Cubana and the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club
Andreas Fernandez
Your discounts can help families in need
"By becoming a Business with Heart partner, you can ensure that families have all the necessities they need. Your discounts can help families in need with food on the table and many other things and you can help provide jobs for youth like me. There are so many different ways that you can help."

Former Youth in Care