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Town Hall Meeting

We need your help in the mission to find more Homes with Heart Welcoming a child into your home is a life-changing experience, and so many youth are just waiting for that moment of acceptance; that feeling of being loved and cared for. Ventura County Human Service […]

girl by Christmas tree

Holiday Giving Trees

Children’s Service Auxiliary (CSA) will be having its Holiday Giving Trees at the Pacific View Mall and the Oaks Mall from December 1st through December 20th to collect toys and gits for the Foster Youth in Ventura County. Can you help by working a shift […]

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2015 QPI’s California Statewide Conference

2015 Quality Parenting Initiative California Statewide Conference Ventura County September 24-25, 2015 Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach 450 East Harbor Blvd. Ventura, CA 93001 [gdlr_button href=”″ target=”blank” size=”medium” background=”#7f184d” color=”#ffffff”]Register Here[/gdlr_button] Conference Information Conference Registration Fee: $165 per person includes: Thursday, September 24 1:00pm Conference check in opens […]

National Foster Care month 2015

Foster Care Month

Happy National Foster Care Month! This May, we celebrate the foster parents, caregivers, volunteers, educators, social workers, professionals, and community members who help children and youth in foster care reunify with their families and find Homes with Heart. Our team recognizes and thanks all of […]

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HOPE4Kids Festival & Run

“When your legs get tired, run with your heart.” -Unknown Ventura County Children and Family Services has joined forces with RaisingHOPE and a number of other community partners in support of foster youth in Ventura. Join us on May 2, 2015 for the only community […]

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Get Your Resource Tool-Kit!

Becoming a parent comes with mixed emotions. The process is exciting but overwhelming. Parents might worry whether they are financially able to care for a child, need an extra hand in caring for a child with special needs, or simply need reassurance and advice from […]