Understand why children in foster care are so vulnerable to Commercial Sexual Exploitation.
This training is specifically designed for resource parents as a first step in combating the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in California. Caregivers will increase their awareness of this crime and gain an understanding as to why children in foster care are so vulnerable and how they can be influenced by an exploiter.
Additionally, participants will learn how to identify the warning signs and red flags that indicate a child is being sexually victimized. Prevention steps and local resources will also be discussed and shared.
This newly revised curriculum meets the requirements in the written directives Section 6-06 (22); Section 8-01 (f) (A) and is a prerequisite for CSEC 2 Responding with Care which meet requirements in the written directives Section 6-06 (22); Section 8-01 (b) offered on June 13, 2022