Resource Guide


This Resource Guide contains resources that can be found on this website and MORE, packaged into one convenient PDF document!
Download it, save it on your computer at home, or print it and keep it somewhere easily accessible.

Available Resources:

  • Necessities & Basic Needs
  • Extracurricular Activities/Enrichment
  • Supports
  • Mentoring
  • Respite Care
  • Child Care/Child Development
  • Youth Education
  • Tutoring
  • Scholarships
  • Medical, Mental & Behavioral Health
  • In-home Support Programs
  • …and so much more!

Click HERE to Download the Resource Guide


En Español

Resource Guide
for Youth and Caregivers after Adoption / Legal Guardianship

For legal guardians or adoptive parents of a former Ventura County dependent child/youth please click HERE for the English version of the Beyond Dependency: Resource Guide for Youth and Caregivers after Adoption / Legal Guardianship and HERE for the Spanish version.

Level of Care Resources

Click here to view the Level of Care documents in English and Español. Download it, save it on your computer at home, or print it and keep it somewhere easily accessible.

Out of County Resource Guide

For caregivers who are caring for children/youth from outside of Ventura County please click HERE for the English version of the Out of County Resource Guide and HERE for the Spanish version.