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VC Reporter_So Happy Together_July 2019 Cover

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Resource Family Training
CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES Foster Care Payment Date Change Letter

Update to Foster Care Payments, effective April 24, 2023, Ventura County will be migrating to a new benefit issuance system, CalSAWS. For the most part, these changes will be seamless for you, but you may experience some delays as our staff adjusts to the new system.



Strengthening VC Families Presents – Preserving our Families

2021– A gripping testimonial about the relationship between biological families and social workers, and the importance of protecting children and older youth by helping to strengthen biological families while walking alongside them on a journey towards reunification.

Businesses with Heart Informational Seminar

2020– This uplifting seminar educates the public about the benefits of becoming a Businesses with Heart partner and the many ways this amazing support from our local businesses can make a positive difference in the lives of children and older youth in care, along with resource families and others.

Homes with Heart VC Comfort Call

Becoming a resource family with Homes with Heart VC, a program of Ventura County Children and Family Services, is a unique opportunity for stable, committed, and loving adults to provide out of home care for children and youth temporary placed in out of home care due to difficult home situations by no fault of their own. Resource Families are relative caregivers and community homes who are approved to care for these children and youth. Resource families provide love, stability, nurturing, and comfort during difficult times and serve as the first step in a child and family’s journey towards healing and hope in the future.

Choose Love – Featuring Michael Sanders

2019 – Michael Sanders provides a motivational workshop to Ventura County social workers to inspire them to serve our families, children and especially teens. The film features a panel of inspiring former teens in care, a biological mother, and a resource parent who each share their uplifting stories. 

“Love Conquers All” Short Film