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Parent Teacher Forum

Xena and Martin, two amazing young adults attending Cal State University Channel Islands, recently shared their stories and memories growing up as former foster children.  Both are highly motivated to succeed and credit much of their drive to the teachers and mentors in their life.

“I was not a child that made friends very easily so my friends were my teachers.  I think that’s why I’ve been able to connect with teachers the way I have is because they were my go-to,” Shared Xena.

“I still talk to some of my elementary school teachers and junior high teachers. My Spanish teacher in high school was one of the most helpful people in persuading me to go to college.”

Foster VC Kids works hand in hand with the Ventura Office of Education to help inform foster parents and educators about all of the resources and programs available to foster youth.

Martin, a former foster youth who is featured in the new VCOE video, never took his education for granted. “Education is definitely the foundation for a better life because with it you gain a different perspective on life and you gain experience on how to navigate through it,” he said.

“School was always my haven – it was always the place I knew everything was going to be ok .”

Parents & School Staff Members! Come learn how to become a foster parent or mentor and walk alongside our local foster youth to ensure their educational success!

Join the Ventura County Office of Education and Foster VC Kids
Tuesday, October 11th from 4-6 pm
Oxnard High School Performing Arts Building
3400 West Gonzales Road, Oxnard CA, 93036


Xena and Martin’s full stories will be shared during the premiere of the new VCOE foster youth video. Plus, an amazing panel of top educators, foster parents and VCOE leaders will discuss the latest programs and legislative mandates that help foster youth thrive in school and at home.

This special panel of speakers will share their experience about how important education is in a youth’s life. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and in no case is this more evident than in raising children in foster care.  We are all responsible for ensuring our youth in foster care have the same opportunities to experience what most children take for granted – safety, love, nurturing, having their basic needs met, and the ability to grow into their potential.

A child in foster care may not remember all of the programs that assisted them, what they will remember is the adult who reached out and helped them along the way.

Be that adult – Attend the Foster VC Kids Parent Teacher Forum October 11th form 4-6pm and learn more how you can help a child become a success instead of a statistic.

RSVP today to Foster VC Kids, (805) 654-3220, or on Facebook.