town hall photos

200+ Attend Town Hall Meeting

Foster VC Kids is off to a wonderful start this year! On January 23rd, a Town Hall meeting took place at Ventura Human Services Agency where 200 individuals, non-profit representatives and Foster Family Agencies came out to show support and learn more about becoming a home with heart to a foster child. The meeting started with Foster VC Kids experts presenting a number of informative topics that focused on the steps to becoming a foster parent/grandparent/mentor. All of the many support services and resources that are available for foster parents were also highlighted.

District One Supervisor Steve Bennett who has opened his home to a youth, spoke about his responsibility to “take care of the defenseless” encouraging those with the room in their homes to do the same if they can.

The event featured panel of former foster youth, current/former foster caregivers, and a birth mother who was once in foster care herself, and then her own children were placed into care. Each one shared personal stories showing the significant impact fostering has on not only foster youth, but also how the care providers were uplifted as well. One panelist shared his touching experiences about how in his time of need, a family took him in under their wing allowing him to be himself and grow, and how the most important part of raising a child is having a loving supportive family. Another youth shared that she is thankful for her experience in foster care saying it was indeed life changing, and shaped her into who she is today.

The most rewarding part of the event was not just seeing a room full of people, but seeing firsthand the amount of support the attendees brought to the cause. We would like to thank each and every one who made this event such a success, and we hope you will join us at our next meeting. To learn more about upcoming info sessions, visit our homepage calendar at